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Answers to Unsolved Questions of Life


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In the course of life everyone is likely to come up against fundamental questions to which he finds no clear answer. This publication deals with several important questions of life. These are answered by lectures selected from the book "In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message" by Abd-ru-shin, about which there is further information at the end of this booklet.

With the help of that comprehensive Work the reader can obtain glimpses of the connections in Creation. The explanations are also intended to stimulate the individual to delve for further answers to life's great questions. To the earnest reader the Grail Message offers answers in rich abundance, so that with unbiased examining there finally arises for him a World-picture without gaps.

Read more about the book "In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message" by Abd-ru-shin here:

For your guidance!

The bandage falls, and belief becomes conviction. Liberation and redemption lie only in conviction!

I am addressing earnest seekers only. They must be able and willing to examine this matter objectively! Religious fanatics and irresponsible enthusiasts may hold aloof, for they are detrimental to the Truth. As for the malevolent and prejudiced, they shall find their sentence in the very words.

The Message will strike only those who still carry within them a spark of truth, and the yearning to be true human beings. To all such it will become the shining light and staff. It will lead them unswervingly out of all the chaos of the present-day confusion.

The following Word does not bring a new religion, but is intended as the torch to help all serious listeners or readers find the right path, which leads them to the longed-for height.

Only he who bestirs himself can advance spiritually. The fool who uses extraneous aids for this, in the form of the ready-made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches, while ignoring his own healthy limbs.

But the moment he boldly uses all the abilities which lie dormant within him awaiting his call, to help in his ascent, he is employing the talent entrusted to him in accordance with his Creator’s Will, and will easily overcome all obstacles that seek to divert him.

Therefore awake! Genuine faith lies only in conviction, and conviction comes solely through an inflexible weighing and examining! See that you are truly alive in the wonderful Creation of your God!


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ISBN 978-3-87860-811-0
Dimensiones 14 x 21 cm
Formato Brochure
Idioma English